Public Safety
Police Department
The New Brighton Area Police Department provides residents of the Borough of New Brighton and its visitors with superior service in order to ensure safety and maintain quality of life. With a police-community partnership philosophy, the Department has implemented and expanded programs that promote collaborative efforts in taking a proactive stance and addressing crime reduction and prevention. This methodology includes a cooperative effort with Federal, State and County drug enforcement agencies to reduce drug use and drug related criminal activity.
The New Brighton Area Police Department provides for a safe community, serving citizens with compassion and respect. The Department is fully invested in leading their profession with integrity; building and retaining a highly trained, well equipped, progressive, motivated and cohesive staff consisting of a staff of both full-time and part-time officers. The Department continues to strive to be recognized and respected as a leading agency in the law enforcement community.
The New Brighton Area Police Department is fortunate to be part of a progressive municipal government that is committed to involving its community in the direction the Borough is going. The New Brighton Area Police Department encourages public involvement and participation in its Neighborhood Watch Program. The Neighborhood Watch Program is a program designed to help instruct the community on how to be more aware of what is going on in and around their neighborhood. Through the program, neighbors will get to know one another better and become familiar with persons and vehicles that belong in their neighborhood. The program will also instruct participants on how to be more observant of suspicious activity and how to most effectively forward that information to the local police. Being part of The Neighborhood Watch Program does not take a lot of time but does mean that the participants are committed to helping clean up their neighborhood. The Neighborhood Watch Program meets the last Tuesday of every other month at the Lighthouse for the Blind.
The New Brighton Area Police Department continues developing a productive relationship with the community’s youth by maintaining a school resource officer program. The school resources officer program assists in providing a safe and secure environment for the prosperity of students in the educational setting. The program also provides for an open dialogue between law enforcement and the youth.
The Department also serves the geographic areas of Daugherty Township, Pulaksi Township, and Fallston Borough through intergovernmental cooperation agreements. The Department operates on a 24 hour a day basis with an administrative desk that is open from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM, Monday through Friday.
All emergency and non-emergency calls are taken by the Beaver County Emergency Services Center. For all emergencies dial 911; non-emergency callers can dial (724) 846-2270; and to reach the administrative desk dial (724) 846-2277. The Police Department can also be contacted by email at
Fire Department
The New Brighton Volunteer Fire Department is an all volunteer fire department consisting of 30 members. The fire department provides fire suppression, water rescue, rapid intervention, vehicle extrication, search and rescue, and hazardous material response to the Borough of New Brighton and the Borough of Fallston. The department also provides routine mutual aid to the neighboring townships of Daugherty, Rochester, and Pulaski, the Boroughs of Rochester and East Rochester, and the City of Beaver Falls. Since 1989, New Brighton has been a part of a county wide mutual aid agreement with all 56 county municipalities for shared resources among fire departments.
The New Brighton Volunteer Fire Department also provides public education seminars, fire safety classes for children, and fire safety inspections when requested.
For more information on the New Brighton Volunteer Fire Department, becoming a volunteer, or to schedule a public education seminar, please call (724) 843-0320.

Emergency Management
The Borough of New Brighton is a participant in the New Brighton Area Emergency Management Agency. The regional EMA is a cooperative effort between Daugherty Township, Fallston Borough, New Brighton Borough, and Pulaski Township to provide for comprehensive emergency planning through shared resources. Through this arrangement, New Brighton Borough has adopted and enacted an emergency operations plan to provide for the protection of persons and property in the event of a natural or man-caused emergency or disaster. The plan establishes procedures to alert the public and provide information and appropriate protective action instructions and for coordination and use of available municipal resources during an emergency.
Participating communities in the New Brighton Area Emergency Management Agency utilize the program staff to drive industry standards and best practices into regional planning training and exercises. From an all-hazards approach, emergency management staff collaborate with municipal leaders to build community-wide emergency management capabilities in all four phases of emergency management including preparedness, response, recovery, and mitigation.
All residents and merchants are encouraged to register to receive Beaver County emergency alerts. The Beaver County Emergency Services Center utilizes the Swift 911 mass notification system to notify residents regarding emergencies such as fires, utility outages, floods, hurricanes, evacuations, and more. Beaver County emergency alerts deliver messages via multiple contact methods including voice, text, and email. The Swift 911 portal allows you to register for alerts as well as update contact information.
Additionally, the Beaver County Emergency Services Center annually distributes the Emergency Preparedness Information for Beaver County reference document by mail. In addition to emergency preparedness information, the booklet also includes important special needs response cards. Anyone that requires special assistance due to a hearing, mobility, or visual impairment is encouraged to complete and return the response card. All information provided is kept confidential by emergency officials. These response cards are vital in assisting a special needs resident should an emergency occur. The Beaver County Emergency Services Center updates their special needs information database annually. Accordingly, a new response card should be submitted every year, as long as special assistance is required. If the mailing was not received or mistakenly discarded, the special needs response card is also available online.

In 2018, New Brighton Borough was awarded StormReady designation from the National Weather Service, recognizing New Brighton for preparing for the increasing vulnerability to extreme weather and water events. The StormReady program requires that participating municipalities develop plans to handle all types of severe weather and encourages communities to take a new, proactive approach to improving local hazardous weather operations by providing emergency managers with clear-cut guidelines on how to improve their hazardous weather operations.
New Brighton Borough is also a proud Weather-Ready Nation Ambassador. The Weather-Ready Nation Ambassador initiative is an effort to formally recognize National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) partners who are improving the nation’s readiness against extreme weather, water, and climate events. As a Weather-Ready Nation Ambassador, New Brighton Borough is committed to working with NOAA and other Ambassadors to strengthen national resilience against extreme weather.

Because local resources may be taxed during an emergency event, it is important that residents are prepared to survive on their own after an emergency. This means having food, water and other supplies in sufficient quantity to last for at least 72 hours. Local officials and relief workers will be on the scene after a disaster but they cannot reach everyone immediately. More information about storm and emergency preparedness can be found on the American Red Cross website and on the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s website.
The Emergency Management Coordinator may be reached by calling (724) 846-5337 or by email at