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Tax Collection

Earned Income Tax Information


Commonwealth Act 32 of 2008 has revamped the system of collecting Earned Income Tax (EIT) across Pennsylvania. It has reduced the number of statewide collectors from 560 to 69 tax collection districts (TCD) and restructured how EIT is collected. All employers (large and small) are required to withhold EIT from all employees. Tax rates will be determined by the employee's place of residency. 


Berkheimer Tax Administrator was selected by the Beaver County Tax Collection Committee (BCTCC) as the Tax Officer for Beaver County. The role of the employee in this new collection system is to keep their employer aware of their residency at all times. Employees are required to complete a tax residency certification form and indicate their residency as the Borough of New Brighton, political subdivision code 041003. The actual process of withholding, remitting, and collection of tax dollars is put into the hands of the employer and the collector.


Related Documentation:
Act 32 Earned Income Tax Informational Flyer
Earned Income Tax  Residency Certification Form


Real Estate Tax Collection


The New Brighton Tax Office is responsible for the collection of all Borough and School District real estate taxes. The current millage rates are 5.089 mills for the Borough and 11.6698 mills for the School District. Borough tax bills are sent out every February 1 with February and March as the discount period. School District tax bills are sent out every July 1 with July and August as the discount period. Partial Payments are accepted for both Borough and School District real estate taxes in four equal payments at face. Unpaid School District taxes will be filed with the Tax Claims Bureau of Beaver County at the end of March each year and unpaid Borough taxes will be filed with the Tax Claims Bureau of Beaver County at the end of December each year.


The Tax Collector, Brooke Fortune, may be reached at (724) 843-0270 or by visiting the tax office located on the first floor of the Borough Municipal Building.  Office hours are Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 10:30 AM to 1:30 PM and the second and fourth Saturday of the month from 10:30 AM to 1:30 PM.  Modified summer hours begin in June and continue through August.  Appointments are recommended and can be scheduled by emailing the tax collector at


Per Capita Tax Collection


Berkheimer Tax Administrator has also been appointed for the collection of Borough and School District per capita taxes beginning in 2017.  Previously, these tax notices would have been distributed by the New Brighton Tax Office.  Borough and School District per capita tax notices are sent out on a combined bill in July of each year. The fee for the per capita tax is $14.70 if paid in July or August, $15.00 if paid in September or October, and $15.75 if paid after October 31. Once a delinquent notice is sent, an additional fee of $5.00 will be added. After a reasonable length of time, any unpaid per capita taxes are turned over to a collection agency. Per capita taxes apply to anyone 18 years of age or older and have completed high school. New residents or residents meeting the age requirements should notify the tax office.


Berkheimer Tax Administrator can be reached by calling (610) 599-3141.

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